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Commercial Water

You can count on Jimboomba Water Supply to not only meet, but exceed all your commercial water carrier needs and requests. Here is just some of the commercial water services we provide. You can also read our Vehicle and Driver Safety Plan below.

Commercial Water: Services

Fill Pipe for Line Testing


Plumbing and pipe pressure and flow testing for residential and commercial construction.

Dust Control


Water spraying for dust control. We provide dust control for all surfaces, including horse arenas, landscaping projects, and civil road construction.

Special Events


Need water for a special event?
We can provide water for fetes, fairs, shows, and other events.

Driver and Vehicle Safety Plan

To ensure that all staff and others with responsibilities related to the use of Jimboomba
Water Supply -owned vehicles are familiar with all safety requirements.
Particular aims are to ensure that:
• Vehicles belonging to the above mentioned company are equipped and
maintained to ensure a high level of safety, and that vehicles are adequate for
their required purposes. • Drivers of said vehicles are adequately experienced and equipped and are
aware of all safety guidelines and procedures related to road safety, and drive
only when in a fit condition to do so.
This document forms part of the Jimboomba Water Supply Occupational Health and
Safety Program and reflects the companies commitment to the health and safety of
Pool Vehicle
A vehicle owned by Jimboomba Water Supply that is available for use on work business,
and is a ‘vehicle’ s one designed to carry a driver and no more than 1 passenger.
Allocated Vehicle
A vehicle owned by Jimboomba Water Supply that is allocated for the primary use of a
particular individual, who acts as its ‘Vehicle Manager’.
Vehicle Manager
A staff member who has primary responsibility for the maintenance of one or more
Jimboomba Water Supply - owned vehicles. Duties are specified separately for
Managers of pool vehicles and of allocated vehicles. The Manager of an allocated
vehicle is the person to whom the vehicle is allocated as part of their salary package,
whereas the Manager of one or more pool vehicles performs the specified duties as part
of his/her job requirements.
Responsible Driver
The driver with primary responsibility for the vehicle during the period of its use for a
particular purpose, as specified on the Driving Trip Authorisation form and the Vehicle
Booking and Authorisation form.
Blood Alcohol Concentration
3.1 Managers
Must ensure that
• Vehicle purchase specifications include detailed descriptions of the vehicle and
associated equipment requirements for the vehicle use (e.g. off-road, in snow,
etc • Reference to relevant legislation is made pre purchase. • Vehicle maintenance is maintained


• Appropriate numbers of staff are trained in ‘Vehicle Manager’ duties and
procedures and time is allocated for pool vehicle managers to effectively perform
Vehicle Manager duties • Appropriate numbers of staff are trained in ‘Vehicle Use Supervisor’ duties and
procedures and time is allocated for pool vehicle managers to effectively perform
Vehicle Manager duties.
3.2 Procurements And Contracts Branch
• Ensure that all purchases of vehicles and accessories comply with Jimboomba
Water Supply purchasing procedures. • Ensure that vehicles and accessories purchased for primary use on Jimboomba
Water Supply business meet current ‘best practice’ safety standards, as
specified below under ‘Guidelines for Vehicle Purchase’.
3.2.1 Purchase Guidelines
• Vehicles purchased for primary use on Jimboomba Water Supply business
should meet current ‘best practice’ safety standards, in terms of the Vehicle
Safety Features listed below, provided that these features are available at
reasonable cost in vehicles of the required type; • Vehicle Safety Features
The recommended vehicle characteristics and safety features are:
– a kerb mass between 1300 kg and 1700 kg (passenger cars & derivatives
– day time running lights or automatic head lamp off device
– clear glazed windows (no added window tinting)
– a statement from the manufacturer that the vehicle meets the frontal,
offset and side impact requirements of ADR 72 and 73
– anti-locking braking system (ABS)
– automatic transmission
– cruise control with over-speed warning
– driver and front passenger air bags (passenger cars only)
– air conditioning
– centre rear lap sash seat belt (where applicable)
– any vehicle modifications must be consistent with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. • Preferred features – should be provided when available
– a conspicuous colour – generally white or a light colour
– side air bags
– ‘intelligent’ seat belt reminder system • Mandatory features specific to 4WD vehicles
– Rollover tow balls (enabling a trailer to roll over independently of the
towing vehicle).
Trailers must be appropriate for the intended towing vehicle(s). • Preferred features specific to light commercial vehicles:
– front passenger’s air bag
– reversing aid
3. Environmental Health & Safety Unit • Jimboomba Water Supply will optimise resource use, efficiency, minimise
waste and pollution, reuse and recycle as much as possible.
• Jimboomba Water Supply will ensure waste removal occurs in a safe and
effective manner, to reduce accident and spillage occurrence. If the before
mentioned does occur the appropriate authorities will be contacted immediately

• Precautionary principles will be taken to ensure the identification of alternative
courses of action to minimise environmental damage.
• Jimboomba Water Supply will ensure people involved in procedures will follow
the guidelines stipulated by Jimboomba Water Supply as per a signed
• Jimboomba Water Supply will be active in monitoring its progress towards the
procedures in place and improve them to meet the needs of the business.
• Jimboomba Water Supply is responsible for monitoring our activities and
reporting of these activities to the EHP and governing bodies.
3.4 Pool Vehicle Managers
• Ensure that vehicles are equipped with the following items:
- Vehicle Owner’s Manual
- LTU ‘Motor Vehicle Pocket Guide’
- Pool Vehicle Log Book or Sheets
- RACQ membership card (if applicable)
- fuel card (from Vehicles Office)
- jack and wheel brace
- roadworthy spare tyre
- Tow bars and couplings relevant to towing requirements. • Ensure that vehicles trailers and couplings where applicable are inspected and
maintained by qualified personnel in accord with individual vehicle requirements
as specified in their respective manuals, and withdrawn from use if found to be
unroadworthy • Ensure that essential ‘consumables’ such as oil, radiator coolant, windscreen
washer water and tyre pressures are maintained at adequate levels, by checking
at appropriate intervals in between normal servicing. • Maintain a schedule of key maintenance tasks in a form accessible by vehicle
users, signing and dating each task to certify its completion. • Ensure that the driver submits: (1) a completed ‘Driving Trip Authorisation’ form,
including the signed approval of their Vehicle Use Supervisor, and (2) a
completed Vehicle Booking & Authorisation form • Check the licence details of the driver against those on the ‘Driving Trip
Authorisation’ form, and approve their use of the vehicle by signing the Vehicle
Booking & Authorisation form.
When a driver returns a car, check that the driver has recorded required information in
the Log Book or Sheet and arrange for any necessary maintenance prior to signing the
vehicle out to another driver.
3.6 Vehicle Use Supervisors
3.6.1 Vehicles and Equipment
• Advise staff (and other intending drivers) within their Unit on issues related to
vehicles, and administer related procedures as determined by the Unit. [Note
that insurance purchased from rental companies frequently excludes damage to
the vehicle roof and to its underbody, and that insurance cover may not apply
when using 4WD vehicles in off-road conditions.] • At the request of people who wish to use their own vehicles on Jimboomba
Water Supply business, grant permission provided that
– this is in accord with LTU Business Procedures Manual section 8.2.1,
page 17, and
– the vehicle seems to be adequate for the intended purpose. • Ensure that non-standard vehicle-related equipment required for a particular
purpose is made available to the Responsible Driver. Depending on the nature
of the intended trip, such equipment might include:


– a first aid kit
– a mobile phone
– a dry chemical fire extinguisher. • When a trailer is to be towed, ensure that the towing vehicle is appropriate for that
, and related issues, may be obtained from the ‘Desert Access’ website (see references).
This site has an excellent equipment checklist for 4WD vehicles, plus good ‘survival
guide’ material of potential use to researchers/campers. It also has many useful links.
For further information related to driving off-road or in remote areas, see 3.7.6.
3.6.2 Driving Trip Authorisation
• For each person intending to drive a Jimboomba Water Supply -owned vehicle,
check the type and current validity of the driver’s licence and sign the ‘Driving
Trip Authorisation’ form to confirm that the intending driver has a licence that is
valid and of the appropriate type for the vehicle to be driven. • If the intended trip will be longer than 8 hours (driving plus non-driving time), or if
it will entail driving at night, check that the proposed trip schedule is consistent
with Jimboomba Water Supply Guidelines for trip planning and fatigue
management. • If the intended trip is likely to demand skills or capacities different from those
normally required (e.g. driving in low-friction conditions; towing a trailer), ensure
that the driver(s) are aware of all relevant issues and that they feel adequately
Particular vehicles and/or conditions:
Driving in low-friction conditions (e.g. off-road, in snow, on icy roads): drivers
inexperienced in the particular conditions may feel the need for training related to these
conditions, prior to undertaking a trip where such conditions might reasonably be
Towing a trailer: check that the driver feels adequately experienced and does not
require assistance to develop greater towing skills.
• Organise and arrange payment for specialist driver training, as agreed
necessary. • Sign a completed Driving Trip Authorisation form, giving a copy to the driver to
pass on to the Vehicle Manager when the vehicle keys are collected.
3.6.3 Use of Rental Vehicles
• Ensure that a copy of the LTU ‘Motor Vehicle Pocket Guide’ is available to a
driver using a rented vehicle.
3.7. Trip planning and fatigue management
• Complete a Driving Trip Authorisation form and submit it to the Vehicle Use
Supervisor, together with supporting information (e.g. driver licence), verifying
that: • Driving an unfamiliar vehicle, or in unfamiliar conditions, may require an initial
period of familiarisation. Depending on the vehicle type and expected driving
conditions, specific training might be needed. Where there is any doubt, these
issues should be discussed with the Vehicle Use Supervisor, who will help to
arrange any agreed driver training.(3.6.2) • Give particular consideration to the amount and type of driving expected of
drivers aged less than 25 years, or with less than 5 years driving experience.
Because such drivers tend, on average, to be at higher risk than older, more

experienced drivers, plan the trip to minimise their driving, particularly under
relatively high risk conditions (e.g. on rural highways and at night). • Plan a work schedule that:
– allows drivers to be well rested before departure, and avoids the need to
drive with a significant sleep deficit (e.g. someone may have worked for
most of the night when their sleep patterns were not adapted to ‘night
shift’; they should not then be expected to drive)
– avoids driving at times when the driver would normally be asleep
– avoids driving when it is more than 16 hours since the driver awoke from
the previous night’s sleep, regardless of time spent driving, or working on
other tasks (e.g. it may be unwise to drive home from the airport after a
long day away)
– takes account of likely weather, road and traffic conditions and other
factors likely to influence travel time
– includes 10-15 minute rest breaks at approximately 2-hour intervals
– does not entail more than a total of 10 hours ‘on the road’ in any 24 hour
– does not require more than 12 hours in any 24 hour period for any
combination of: driving, other work duties and rest breaks
– does not entail driving for most of the working day on more than three
consecutive days; every fourth day should be a non-driving day.
3.7.5 Transporting dangerous goods and hazardous substances
• Comply with all relevant regulations in the Australian Code for the Transport of
Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail, 9.3 Safe Stowage.
3.8 Drivers – On-Road Requirements And Guidelines
3.8.1 Medications and drugs
• Avoid or at least minimise the consumption of alcohol or other drugs prior to
driving (BAC levels lower than the legal limit increase sleepiness, particularly in
combination with fatigue and some medications). • Minimise consumption of medications that may cause drowsiness.
3.8.2 Initial vehicle checks and adjustments; loading equipment
• check with the Vehicle Manager that all required maintenance tasks have been
completed • place equipment in the boot or behind the cargo barrier of a station wagon, to
prevent injury in the event of it becoming airborne during sudden change of speed
or direction • check that the vehicle’s Information Folder is in the vehicle and that it contains a
full set of information • check that all tyres appear to be adequately inflated • check the fuel level • If unfamiliar with the vehicle, check the functioning of controls for horn, turn
indicators, windscreen (wipers and washers), lights (parking, low and high beam),
front and rear demisters, and the location of opening levers for the bonnet and
boot • adjust the seating position as necessary to suit individual requirements.
3.8.3 Enter log book/sheet information
• date(s) of trip • speedo reading and time at departure • purpose of trip.
3.8.4 Comply with road laws and safety guidelines


• Obey all road traffic laws and drive in accord with particular road and traffic
conditions; drivers are personally responsible for the payment of any traffic fines • Use of a hands-free mobile phone while driving is permitted and but should be
minimised, as it reduces concentration on driving. Use of other mobile phones is
illegal. • Use of a UHF Radio while driving is permitted. • Smoking is not permitted in Aable Waste vehicles at any time.
3.8.5 Manage fatigue
• Maintain a schedule of driving and rest breaks in accord with the guidelines in
3.7.4 • If feeling sleepy while driving, stop and take an adequate rest break even if it is
less than 2 hours since commencement of driving. This might mean 20 minutes
away from the vehicle or a night’s sleep, depending on time of day and time
since waking.
3.8.6 When refuelling
• Ensure that windscreens are cleaned and tyre pressure, oil and windscreen
washer reservoir levels checked and replenished if necessary (refer to the
Information Folder for details of appropriate tyre pressures and oil type).
3.8.7 Returning the vehicle
• ensure that the fuel tank is at least 3⁄4 full • complete log book/sheet details:
– any suspected or observed mechanical defect (including unusual sounds)
– speedo reading and time at return
– total kilometres travelled
– name and signature of driver. • remove all rubbish and equipment other than that listed above; sweep clean the
boot or tray if necessary
3.9 Drivers – Accident Procedures and Reporting
In the event of an accident, follow the procedure detailed in the vehicle’s Information
Both major and minor crashes involiving Jimboomba Water Supply vehicles are to be
reported using the Jimboomba Water Supply Incident Report process.
If the vehicle is not driveable, have it towed to the repairer of your choice or nearest
point of safety
Vehicle Log Book/Sheets
Driving Trip Authorisation form
This procedure has been authorised by the Executive Occupational health and Safety
Committee on 01/07/2014
Issue No 1

Commercial Water: Text
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